As the technical lead for the project under project lead SVGC, K Sharp played a key role in the successful delivery of the project that aimed to map relevant and common civilian qualifications against the requirements of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) courses. The objective of the project was to enable REME instructional staff to assess the value of the civilian qualification and make subsequent decisions about the REME course content to be delivered to individual trainees.
The project was a significant undertaking, and K Sharp's expertise in technical leadership was instrumental in delivering the project on time and within budget. K Sharp worked closely with the other members of the project team to develop an effective approach to meet the project objectives.
The output of this study comprised several reports, as well as the "Prior Qualification Assessment Tool" (PQAT). The PQAT was developed as a research tool to aid speed and efficiency in the research supporting this study. It was populated with the data acquired to date and built with a search facility. The PQAT was invaluable in enabling REME instructional staff to assess the value of civilian qualifications in relation to REME courses.