Barry has been busy on the webinar circuit with two events on back to back afternoons.
The first was a Webinar on day two of Wales Tech Week hosted by Technology Connected (formerly Estnet) where Barry talked about user centred design. More specifically, this was aimed at those people who had not really heard or engaged with User Centred Design. Whilst the event was scoped for Wales, people engaged from further afield, including Miami. Barry walked participants through case study examples showing why User Centred Design, and Human Factors in general is a valuable investment for any product or service.
The Second event was where Barry Chaired a Webinar for the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. Titled "Human Factors and the Return to Work", Barry led the panel of industry experts through a discussion on the reflective experiences of COVID and preparing for working back in the working environment. This was followed by a Q&A session from the worldwide audience.
Barry said "the ability to engage with people in these type of events without having to leave the comfort of our Llanelli offices have both been brilliant opportunities, making the most of the technology available".